Google Alert – „sex differences“ March 21, 2019 at 04:04PM

„sex differences“
Tägliches Update ⋅ 21. März 2019


Is Being Male a Cancer Predisposition Syndrome? The Unintended Consequences of Evolutionary …

Ladue News

Find out in this fascinating talk that looks at the sex differences in malignant brain tumor incidence and survival, the evolutionary pressures that drive …

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Why Women Are Diagnosed with Diseases Later Than Men


“The body of research in cardiology on sex differences is robust and well-known to clinicians and practitioners,” she said. “But when women have …

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Girl Finds “Transgender” Boy Staring at Her in Locker Room — Told to Go OUTSIDE Until He Was …

The New American

“Modern science shows that our sexual organization begins with our DNA and development in the womb, and that sex differences manifest …

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Dutch populist vote surge costs PM Rutte senate majority

BBC News

… make-up and have babies than concentrate on pursuing a career – and then sent me a photo of a book entitled Taking Sex Differences Seriously.

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Unhatched fossil egg proves cracking find for scientists

The Times

… in the egg, though, was that it definitively identified the rest of the fossil as female, meaning that the scientists can study it for sex differences.

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WIRED | Women’s pain is different from men’s- The drugs could be too

McGill Newsroom

… mice,“ says Jeffrey Mogil, professor of pain studies at McGill University in Montreal and a leading researcher on sex differences in pain, who was not …

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Concussion linked with later neuromuscular changes

MD Linx

„Future studies in this realm should incorporate female participants to investigate sex differences in neuromuscular activation.“ —Lorraine L. Janeczko.

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Steven Pinker’s new book claims people are happier and healthier than ever before

Evening Standard

We should also remember that in sex differences there are overlapping statistical distributions and that a disparity between men and women in any …

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Having a male twin is bad for girls, study finds

The Hilltop Monitor

„This is a story about the biology of sex differences“, said study co-author David Figlio, dean of Northwestern’s School of Education and Social Policy.

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