Google Alert – „prenatal testosterone“ March 20, 2019 at 03:54AM

„prenatal testosterone“
Laufende Aktualisierung ⋅ 20. März 2019


Prenatal Testosterone Hormones Impact Girls With A Twin Brother


A new study has found that prenatal testosterone hormones in girls with a twin brother have a long-term impact on them. When twin brother and sister …

Study: Prenatal testosterone linked to long-term effects in females who share womb with male twin … – Tdnews

Sharing The Womb With a Twin Brother Seems to Have a Huge Detrimental Effect on Girls – ScienceAlert

Women with a twin brother paid less than those with a twin sister – CBS News

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Does Sharing the Womb with a Brother Affect Girls?

The Scientist

“The evidence here is there likely are biological effects of prenatal testosterone, but how they actually manifest is a product of a particular society,” …

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