Google Alert – „sex differences“ March 19, 2019 at 04:04PM

„sex differences“
Tägliches Update ⋅ 19. März 2019


Women’s Pain Is Different From Men’s—the Drugs Could Be Too


The failure to include sex differences in the search for better pain relief stems in part from flawed but deep-seated beliefs. “[Medical researchers] made …

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Women Who Shared Womb With Male Twin Less Likely to Graduate High School and Get Married


… Policy and the university’s Institute for Policy Research (IPR) fellow, said in a statement that „this is a story about the biology of sex differences.“.

Could Male Twin’s Fetal Testosterone Bring Lasting Harm to His Sister? – U.S. News & World Report

Prenatal testosterone linked to long-term effects in females who share womb with male twin – Phys.Org

Having twin brother holds women back – The Times

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Sex Differences in Treatment With ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers in Type 1 …

Diabetes Care – American Diabetes Association

Sex Differences in Treatment With ACE Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers in Type 1 Diabetes Patients. Anna Möllsten, Cecilia Toppe, …

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