Google Alert – „sex differences“ February 28, 2019 at 04:05PM

„sex differences“
Tägliches Update ⋅ 28. Februar 2019


Women may particularly benefit from sex-specific HF prevention


… Clinical Research Institute, analyzed data regarding sex differences for HF with preserved ejection fraction and HF with reduced ejection fraction.

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Neurosexism: the myth that men and women have different brains

Rippon, a leading voice against the bad neuroscience of sex differences, uncovers so many examples in this ambitious book that she uses a …

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When watching others in pain, women’s brains show more empathy

UCLA Newsroom

Iacoboni: We published a paper some years ago reviewing all of the scientific evidence on sex differences in empathy, even going into the animal …

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BMI, cholesterol risk factors greater in women than men over time


The researchers assessed sex differences in temporal trends for risk factors, including systolic BP, BMI, smoking status, and HDL and total cholesterol.

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Latent Sex Differences in Molecular Signaling That Underlies Excitatory Synaptic Potentiation in …

Journal of Neuroscience

These results demonstrate latent sex differences in mechanisms of synaptic potentiation in which distinct molecular signaling converges to common …

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