Google Alert – „sex differences“ September 01, 2018 at 05:00PM

„sex differences“
Tägliches Update ⋅ 1. September 2018


Migraine three times more common in women: study

The Express Tribune

Researchers are also advised to expand current models and increase the use of female animals to learn more about the sex differences at the basic …

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Researchers receive $18 million to study connections between heart health and cognition

EurekAlert (press release)

„This new study will also provide an excellent opportunity to assess sex differences in brain health,“ Hayden said. „We know there are differences in …

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Mock Love To Me and Pitch-Slapped

The Free Weekly

The reality is, beyond men’s zipper zone, women are generally more sensitive to jabs about their looks. This makes sense if you look at sex differences …

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Parental Religiosity May Lower Risk for Suicidal Ideation in Offspring

Psychiatry Advisor

However, these between-sex differences were not statistically significant. Overall, parental religious attendance was not found to be a predictive factor …

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Airpocalypse: Why are men bearing the brunt of it?

Deccan Herald

… „Studies in non-human animals and younger human populations (infants/children) offer converging evidence that sex differences in empathy have …

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