Google Alert – „sex differences“ April 26, 2018 at 05:03PM

„sex differences“
Tägliches Update ⋅ 26. April 2018


Menstrual Dysfunction Common in Youth-Onset T2D

MedPage Today

A secondary analysis of the TODAY study revealed that menstrual irregularities affected one in five girls with youth-onset type 2 diabetes and were associated with significant differences in circulating sex hormones, suggesting these patients may need additional treatment. „This is the first report of the …

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The surprising reason why your son might be behaving badly


The researchers found no associations among girls, with Villamor commenting that “we don’t have a clear explanation of why there were sex differences, although we knew it was important to study boys and girls separately because they may differ in the timing of development.” “Studies in rats have …

Could low levels of iron and vitamin B12 contribute to bad behavior in young boys? –

Ganzer Artikel

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Brain injury blood test to help concussion sufferers return to play


Previous studies examining sex differences in outcomes following concussion yield conflicting evidence. Some studies report that females experience greater symptom burden and greater cognitive deficits in certain domains than males post-concussion. Other studies, however, do not find any significant …

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