Google Alert – „sex differences“ January 30, 2018 at 04:26PM

„sex differences“
Tägliches Update ⋅ 30. Januar 2018


The Question That Reveals the Heart of the Culture Wars

National Review

The wars over “toxic masculinity,” assertions that people are “gendered” more than born with dramatic and distinct sex differences, the elimination of distinctly male spaces (including the transformation of the infantry), and the contention that there are no distinctly male or female ways of being — gender is …

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Men hold secret to protect women from multiple sclerosis

Science Daily

„This is why it’s vital to study sex differences in research,“ Brown said. The discovery stemmed from an earlier lucky mistake in the lab in which male mice were used instead of female mice, because a graduate student hadn’t yet learned to identify the nearly imperceptible genitals of male mouse pups.

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Study Suggests Why Women Outnumber Men in Lupus (STAT

MedPage Today

Sex differences in lupus incidence — nine out of 10 patients are women — may stem from overexpression of the gene carried on the X chromosome, STAT News reports based on findings in the journal Science Immunology. Known as Tlr7, the gene normally would be inactivated along with other genes …

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